A little bit about Sam

Sam is a highly gifted and acclaimed Psychic Medium and has worked in this field successfully for more than thirty years.

Sam’s spiritual journey started from a very early age – her very first encounter, at the age of 14 , came when she visited Oldham Spiritualist Church. Ever since that day, Sam’s passion for spiritualism has blossomed.
When a very close auntie sadly passed away, Sam found herself being drawn back to all of the local the spiritual churches – looking for connections from other family members.

Sam has a unique way of working with people using creative visualisation and an incredibly perceptive ability to help you get to the root of your problems. Sam’s psychic readings can provide you with accurate, insightful information about relationships, family, careers, love or any other area of your life where you may need some guidance and answers – enabling you to resolve any current issues you may be experiencing.

All of Sam’s psychic readings are performed in an honest and genuine way and she will never mislead or give you false hope. Sam also respects your privacy, and she will never judge you or your questions. Her aim is to help you find your answers, and achieve your goals. All of Sam’s services are designed to guide and advise you. Sam holds a very strong belief that we all have the power to change our lives. Sam’s desire is that by helping you to find the answers to your questions, she will ultimately empower you to make fundemental decisions about your future.

Privacy is respected at all times and Sam never judges anyone.

An Evening of Clairvoyance

As a Medium Sam aims to provide evidence of life after life by getting links from loved ones in spirit for people in the audience with amazing accuracy in descriptions, personalities and all sorts of personal information.. to give both confirmation and comfort.

** Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.

SKYPE / WhatsApp Reading

Skype readings take the same format as a face-to-face or Telephone reading. Sam will just need your Skype contact details.

A standard reading will be for approx one hour.

** Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.

Telephone Readings

Telephone readings work exactly the same as face to face in terms of accuracy and detail as Sam connects with your voice. This enables you to have a consultation in safety and at your convenience without the risk of traveling etc. Sam can call you on your mobile or landline so you do not have the cost of the phone call or you can call her mobile.

A standard reading will be for approx one hour.

**Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.

Private Readings

Sam’s private readings are an accumulation of mediumship, clairvoyant and psychic:
Mediumship/Spritual – The Spiritual Medium brings forward messages from the Spirit World. Those in Spirit use the Medium to pass on information or to share their love with you.
Clairvoyant – the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision
Psychic – A Psychic reads your energy to get a sense of your history and what is happening in your life at the moment. Psychic readings provide insight and offer guidance

A standard reading will be for approx one hour.

**Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.