
Legal Disclaimer

For reasons of legality, psychic/clairvoyant readings are intended for entertainment purposes only.
You must be 18 years or older to use any of these services and all guidance is subject to your own interpretation.

All mediumship, psychic, clairvoyant readings and demonstrations (free and/or paid) from Sam Robson are to empower you to take responsibility for making the best decisions for yourself. As such, any decisions and choices that you make, as a result of this consultation, are your legal and personal responsibility only.
You agree to take full responsibility for your life, including your physical and mental well-being.

No opinions or information expressed in any private reading or demonstrations with Sam Robson is to be considered as any kind of medical diagnosis or treatment for any condition. Information provided is for general information purposes only. Do not ignore advice from a qualified professional based upon any consultation by Sam Robson.

You understand that Sam Robson cannot make any guarantees regarding the information she provides and that she cannot be held accountable or liable for the actions you take as a result of the session. You are completely accountable for any actions you take after your consultation.

Sam reserves the right to refuse a reading for anyone deemed either mentally or physically unfit, for example anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

**Disclaimer for demotions of mediumship and clairvoyance.
You have paid to witness a demonstration of mediumship of live readings. This demonstration is a form of experiment, no clams are made or cannot be guaranteed. You are not guaranteed a personal message.

**Disclaimer for private Readings
This reading is a form of experiment, no claim are made and results cannot be guaranteed. Sam Robson can only give communication received through Sam Robson’s spiritual contact.

An Evening of Clairvoyance

As a Medium Sam aims to provide evidence of life after life by getting links from loved ones in spirit for people in the audience with amazing accuracy in descriptions, personalities and all sorts of personal information.. to give both confirmation and comfort.

** Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.

SKYPE / WhatsApp Reading

Skype readings take the same format as a face-to-face or Telephone reading. Sam will just need your Skype contact details.

A standard reading will be for approx one hour.

** Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.

Telephone Readings

Telephone readings work exactly the same as face to face in terms of accuracy and detail as Sam connects with your voice. This enables you to have a consultation in safety and at your convenience without the risk of traveling etc. Sam can call you on your mobile or landline so you do not have the cost of the phone call or you can call her mobile.

A standard reading will be for approx one hour.

**Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.

Private Readings

Sam’s private readings are an accumulation of mediumship, clairvoyant and psychic:
Mediumship/Spritual – The Spiritual Medium brings forward messages from the Spirit World. Those in Spirit use the Medium to pass on information or to share their love with you.
Clairvoyant – the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision
Psychic – A Psychic reads your energy to get a sense of your history and what is happening in your life at the moment. Psychic readings provide insight and offer guidance

A standard reading will be for approx one hour.

**Readings are not available before 10am. You must be 18 or over to have a reading.